My Publications

I am not a great writer nor a great publisher... Yet I had the honor to publish a couple of works and I hope to publish some more in the future. Up to today, I published with ISTAT, the Italian National Statistics Institute and my company has been mentioned by the Transport and Infrastructures ministry in 2022.

2018-now: Motion Analytica case studies, most of which I contributed to.

2022: Exploring mobile network data for tourism statistics: the collaboration between Istat and Vodafone Business Italia.
Get a copy here

2022: We used telco data to contribute to the first chapetr of "Mobilità e logistica sostenibili", published by MIMS.
Get a copy here

2020: We used telco data to monitor tourism performance, analysing the city of Roma and the Rimini province.
If the previous link is broken, you may read the poster here

2020: We used telco data to monitor people mobility pattern, analysing the Lombardia region.
If the previous link is broken, you may read the poster here